Getting Ready for Vascular Ultrasound Appointment

There are many benefits to ultrasound imaging as a diagnostic tool, including the fact it is non-invasive and the procedure takes a relatively short time to complete. There are several types of ultrasounds, including a vascular ultrasound, which provides images of the blood vessels in different parts of the body.

If you have been told you need a vascular ultrasound, then one of the things you are probably thinking about is how to best prepare for it. In reality, minimal preparation is involved, and this largely depends on the area being examined. Here is a look at the little that you should do.

1.    Pre-Procedure Fasting

For an abdominal aorta ultrasound, it is best to avoid food and drinks for at least 8 to 12 hours leading up to the procedure. Fasting helps with producing clearer pictures during the vascular ultrasound.

Having just eaten or had a drink, will, of course, not disqualify you from having the ultrasound done, especially when it is urgently required. Unless instructed to do so by your physician, it is unnecessary to avoid eating or drinking for other vascular ultrasound types such as carotid exams.

2.    Choose Your Clothing

It is best to wear loose-fitting and comfortable clothing for your vascular ultrasound appointment. Such will be easy to move aside, providing the ultrasound technologist ready access to the area to be examined. Do keep in mind that, depending on the area of your body being examined, you may be required to remove your clothes and put on a gown.

You don't have to worry about ultrasound gel leaving stains on your clothes. The imaging technologist will wipe off the gel once the procedure is complete, and whatever may be left usually dries up quickly on its own with no staining.

3.    Keep Children Distracted

As an adult, you should have no trouble staying still during your vascular ultrasound. Doing so will ensure that the procedure runs quite smoothly and takes the shortest time possible. These imaging procedures are especially sensitive to motion.

Unfortunately, kids may not do so well, as they are more than likely to move around during the procedure. To help matters, start by explaining to your child that they need to stay still during the ultrasound. Bring along whatever distraction can help keep your child occupied during the procedure.

Always Ask

Have questions about what to expect during your vascular ultrasound and how to prepare for it? Be sure to ask your physician or the imaging technologist.
