Health Medical

Should You Get a Vascular Ultrasound?

Medical technology continues to progress at an amazing rate, and professionals can now perform a battery of tests using sophisticated equipment, should they feel that you are at risk of a certain condition. For example, if your consultant is worried that you may be at risk from narrowing of the arteries or could be suffering from deep vein thrombosis with clots in your leg, then they may advise that you have a vascular ultrasound.

Getting Health Insurance to Cover Your Lower Back Treatment Cost

Lower back pain can be particularly problematic for both the young and old. If you have spinal cord complications, issues with your discs, or problems with your nerve endings, you may struggle with pain along your lower back. Lower back pain also causes mobility issues, a decrease in physical fitness, and a significant drop in daily productivity. Chiropractic treatment is one of the best approaches to resolving lower back pain issues.

Preparing for Your First Visit to a Denture Clinic

Are you visiting a denture clinic for the first time? If so, you're about to embark on a life-changing experience that'll allow you to enhance your speech, chew food easily, and change the way you look. Before you head to your first denture clinic appointment, there are a few things you should consider doing. Make sure your overall oral health is good  Depending on the structure of your jaw, the professional fitting with your denture clinic might need to perform a small amount of surgery.

3 Areas to Consider When Looking at GP Jobs

When you're looking for GP jobs, you are likely going to see a lot of different posts with a variety of different pay rates and benefit plans. Sometimes, when you're applying for jobs, it can be hard to know how much you are worth or what you should request in terms of benefits, terms and compensation. To get a sense of what you should ask for from prospective employers, you may want to spend some time researching what other doctors in your position receive.

BJJ Camp Physio Fight

Taking part in a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training camp is a tough and arduous experience, one which is designed to improve your competence but can easily result in injury. Martial art injuries are not uncommon, often due to overly aggressive sparing or a lack of warming up. Fortunately, most camps will have an on-site physiotherapy clinic with a qualified physiotherapist to assist with prevention and recovery. To help you to prolong your training and minimise the risk of having to visit the physio, this guide will provide practical advise to assist with warming up and cooling down.