5 Child Psychology Tips to Help You Understand Your Child Better

Good parenting is all about good communication, and understanding is a big part of communication. However, even though everyone was once a child themselves, many parents have a lot of trouble understanding where their child is coming from. That's where child psychology can help. These five tips will help you get a better understanding of your little one and build a healthier parent-child relationship.

1. Observation is key

Observation is often the best way to begin understand your child better. Start by paying attention to the way they act and react to things. Instead of immediately intervening in sticky situations, watch how your child starts to resolve things first. Watch closely to see their likes, dislikes, fears, and more. While staying back and keeping quiet may seem counter-intuitive to communication, it actually gives you more time to deeply understand your child's unique quirks and habits. 

2. Get in touch with emotions

Most children are highly emotional in comparison to adults. They tend to have very strong feelings about things, leading to immense happiness when they get their way and crying tantrums when they don't. Since children are more reactive than their parents, parents often struggle to understand where their anger, sadness, hatred is coming from. That's why it's important to get in touch with your child's emotions when you can. Don't be afraid to talk about feelings with them, even in the midst of a meltdown, and remember to validate their emotions.

3. Have fun together

If your days are often fraught with communication breakdowns between you and your child, break away from the negativity by having fun with your child too. Fun activities like playing games, baking, and going to the park can help you connect with your child over things they're interested in. It also provides a conversation starter that can help you get to the root of your child's personality. Try to find activities you can both enjoy so you can form a true bond.

4. Give praise where it is due

Feel like you're always scolding your child? Actively turn that on its head by praising them often too. Kids often respond best to praise when they deserve it, so don't dish out arbitrary praise for no reason. Instead, find genuine reasons to praise your child for their behaviours and actions. Some examples include good test results, helping out around the house, getting along well with others, or doing really well at a fun activity. This will help you understand where your child shines and what motivates them.

5. Talk with a child psychologist

Above all else, talking with a child psychologist can benefit all families. They can help you understand your child's needs and help you plan strategies for dealing with challenges. Since they're experts when it comes to getting through to children, they can also guide you on how to communicate better with your child. Plus, a psychologist can also diagnose and treat any behavioural or developmental concerns your little one may be experiencing that could get in the way of your relationship.
